This album was created by a member of the TPS Teachers Network, a professional social media network for educators, funded by a grant from the Library of Congress. For more information, visit

Voices Remembering Slavery: Freed People Tell Their Stories - 1999 ABC News Story

Album Description

A recording of a 1999 ABC News Story about the Voices Remembering Slavery: Freed People Tell Their Stories Collection at the Library of Congress appeared in my YouTube feed.  The stories selected for the piece were rather compelling and so I thought I'd curate the Video along with the links to the orginal primary source recordings at the Library for my own future reference and for anyone else who'd like to access them.

Please note the YouTube video does have some commentary at the beginning and end, but it's mostly some additional information and reflection of the person who posted it.

'Ex Slaves talk about Slavery in the USA'

Reference note

'A story done by ABC News in 1999 about slavery as told by people who were slaves. Recorded in the 1940's.
This post had over 10 million views with close to 50,000 comments, showing the divide that still exists in the USA.
(FYI: I am not withholding and comments. Even those I deem based on fiction.) I believe everyone has a right to be heard. If your comment does not show up it is because of Youtube filters.)

#blackhistory # #blackvoices #jimcrow #slavery #reparations'

Interview with Laura Smalley, Hempstead, Texas, 1941 (part 1 of 5)

Interview with Laura Smalley, Hempstead, Texas, 1941 (part 2 of 5)

Interview with Laura Smalley, Hempstead, Texas, 1941 (part 3 of 5)

Interview with Laura Smalley, Hempstead, Texas, 1941 (part 4 of 5)

Interview with Laura Smalley, Hempstead, Texas, 1941 (part 5 of 5)

Interview with Aunt Harriet Smith, Hempstead, Texas, 1941 (part 1 of 4)

Interview with Aunt Harriet Smith, Hempstead, Texas, 1941 (part 2 of 4)

Interview with Aunt Harriet Smith, Hempstead, Texas, 1941 (part 3 of 4)

Interview with Aunt Harriet Smith, Hempstead, Texas, 1941 (part 4 of 4)

Interview with Fountain Hughes, Baltimore, Maryland, June 11, 1949

Library of Congress Collection: Voices Remembering Slavery: Freed People Tell Their Stories

Teaching Notes

The recordings of former slaves in Voices Remembering Slavery: Freed People Tell Their Stories took place between 1932 and 1975 in nine states. Twenty-two interviewees discuss how they felt about slavery, slaveholders, coercion of slaves, their families, and freedom. Several individuals sing songs, many of which were learned during the time of their enslavement. It is important to note that all of the interviewees spoke sixty or more years after the end of their enslavement, and it is their full lives that are reflected in these recordings. The individuals documented in this presentation have much to say about living as African Americans from the 1870s to the 1930s, and beyond.

John Henry Faulk Primary Sources at the Library of Congress

Teaching Notes

John Henry Faulk was mentioned in the 1999 ABC News Story as one of the interviews that conducted the conversations with the formerly enslaved peoples. 

This mostly contains his recordings, but it also includes a letter to Alan Lomax about his progress recording in East Texas, which is a nice commentary of the day-to-day work of conducting these interviews.