1. Title: Capture the Scene! Creating a scene of an American Indian Tribe
2. Overview: Students will use knowledge gathered from a picture walk and a sort-it activity to create their own scenes of an American Indian tribe of their choosing. These scenes must contain information from these categories: homes, food, occupations, region, plant life, and transportation. Students must label how each of these categories are reflected in their scenes.
3. Objective: Students will be able to create a scene of an American Indian village showing the tribes: homes, food, occupations, region, plant life, and transportation. Students must clearly label how they represented each of the categories listed above in their scenes.
4. Time Required: 2 class periods
5. Recommended Grade Range: Grades 2-3
6. Subject/Curriculum: Social Studies
7. Standards, Skills, Learning Goals, Assessments
2.3 The student will compare the lives and contributions of three American Indian cultures of the past and present, with emphasis on a) the Powhatan of the Eastern Woodlands b) the Lakota of the Plains c) the Pueblo peoples of the Southwest (PRS 1)
2.7 The student will locate and describe by the relationship between the environment and culture of a) the Powhatan of the Eastern Woodlands b) the Lakota of the Plains c) the Pueblo peoples of the Southwest (PRS 2)
2.8 The student will describe natural resources (water, soil, wood, and coal), human resources (people at work), and capital resources (machines, tools, and buildings) (PRS 4)
Formative Assessment: This lesson should be used at the end of the American Indian unit to review and assess students' understanding of the information. Students will create a scene reflecting what they know about a chosen tribe's region, transportation, homes, food, occupations, and plant life.
8. Credits
Designer: Angela O'Sullivan
9. Materials Used:
10. Resources Used: See attached links.