This album was created by a member of the TPS Teachers Network, a professional social media network for educators, funded by a grant from the Library of Congress. For more information, visit

Primary Sources and Picture Books: The Polio Pioneer by Linda Elovitz Marshall and Lisa Anchin

Album Description


The Lincoln Times, February 15, 1954

Evening Star, April 08, 1954

Evening Star, April 26, 1954

Jackson Advocate, May 01, 1954

The Key West Citizen, May 14, 1954

Arizona Sun, December 03, 1954

The Daily Record, March 04, 1955

The Lincoln Times, April 11, 1955

Evening Star, April 12, 1955

The People's Voice, August 05, 1955

Polio Vaccine Administration

Children Receive Polio Vaccine

Children participating in the 1954 field trials of the Salk vaccine were dubbed "polio pioneers"