This album was created by a member of the TPS Teachers Network, a professional social media network for educators, funded by a grant from the Library of Congress. For more information, visit

Primary Sources and Picture Books: The Teachers March! by Sandra Neil Wallace and Rich Wallace

Eyes on the Prize; Interview with James G. Clark

Teaching Notes

Clark talks about the teachers' march.

Eyes on the Prize; Interview with James G. Clark

Teaching Notes

Clark talks about his perception of voting rights for Black citizens in Alabama in 1965.

Eyes on the Prize; Interview with Frederick Reese

Teaching Notes

Reese gives his account of Black citizens' attempts to register to vote prior to the marches.

Eyes on the Prize; Interview with Frederick Reese

Teaching Notes

Reese talks about the January 1965 teachers' march.

Eyes on the Prize; Interview with Rachel West Nelson

Teaching Notes

Rachel West Nelson, nine years old in 1965, talks about the teachers' march.

Lawrence Huggins on the 1965 Teachers March in Selma