This album was created by a member of the TPS Teachers Network, a professional social media network for educators, funded by a grant from the Library of Congress. For more information, visit

The Holocaust - Nazi Propaganda

Album Description

Beginning in 1933 when Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany, anti- semitic propaganda was distributed across all of Germany in attempt to sway the opinions Germans had about Jewish people. These propagandas promoted the Nazi party and their beliefs. 

Anti Jewish Propaganda

Teaching Notes

This poster depicts a stereotypical Jew behind flags of the Allied powers. This poster attempts to suggest that the Jewish people are conspiring against Germany to start a War. The poster states "Behind the enemy powers, the Jew."

Anti-Semitic movie poster

Teaching Notes

This image is of a movie poster during WWII for a movie being released. The movie is called, Der ewige Jude, an anti-semitic film portraying Jewish people as parasites. 

Nazi Propaganda Film

Teaching Notes

This film made by Nazis for the Red Cross falsely depicted the living conditions of Jewish people in the ghettos. It shows that they are well-fed and enjoying life, attempting to cover up the real conditions the Jews were forced to live in, within these ghettos. 

Nazi Election Poster for Hitler

Teaching Notes

This election poster was released during the 1932 election in attempt to make Hitler appealing to the unemployed and financially unstable Germans. It says, "Our Last Hope- Hitler"

Hitler greeting Paul Von Hindenburg

Teaching Notes

The image in this newspaper shows Hitler after being elected Chancellor of Germany greeting President Paul Von Hindenburg. His body image suggests himself to be non-threatening and respectful.

Sign not allowing Jewish entrance into public baths

Teaching Notes

This image depicts the public baths in Wannsee with a sign stating, "Entrance to Jews is forbidden"

Poster against Physical Disabilities

Teaching Notes

This is a poster depicting another group of people the nazis wanted to eliminate, handicapped individuals. The Nazis believed people with handicaps were inferior and to gain support, they presented these individuals as taking money from German citizens. The poster says, "This hereditarily ill person will cost our national community 60,000 Reichmarks over the course of his lifetime. Citizen, this is your money." 

Nazi Election Poster Poster Promoting Togetherness

Teaching Notes

This election poster from 1938 promotes doing the nazi party with the depiction of several hands doing the Nazi Salute. The poster simply says "Yes! On April 10th". Nazis liked to gain support through the use of creating a sense of community and strength within the party.


Teaching Notes

I will use this worksheet for my students to organize their thoughts on the propaganda posters in this album.