Returning by popular demand, this program from National History Day will help teachers construct an historical argument tied to the 2025 NHD theme, Rights & Responsibilities in History, using primary sources from the Library of Congress. The complete program features four live webinars, tentatively scheduled for 7:00 pm ET on January 9, February 6, March 6, and March 27. | Program information & application deadline: October 18 | Contact: Krista Grensavitch

    National History Day Created Monday, September 09 2024, 16:36 UTC

    Chronicling America: "Rights and Responsibilities" for National History Day
    Library of Congress Serial and Government Publications Division & the National Digital Newspaper Program
    September 11, 1:00 pm ET | Webinar information & registration

    Digging In with TPS-MTSU: Rights and Responsibilities
    Middle Tennessee State University
    September 12, 4:00 pm CT | Email Kira Duke to register

    A great video from PBS about the many benefits of student participation in National History Day.

    h/t   Mary Johnson 

    National History Day Created Monday, July 01 2024, 20:38 UTC

    In this article from Edutopia, TPS Consortium member Andrew Fultz  provides strategies for using the annual competition for project-based learning to help engage students in US history and promote design thinking as they develop their projects by empathizing, defining, ideating, prototyping, testing, and presenting.

    Created Sunday, March 17 2024, 15:47 UTC

    Éirinn go Brách

    Tyler Anbinder, professor emeritus at George Washington University, has a new book out entirely rooted in wonderful primary source materials. In Plentiful Country: The Great Potato Famine and the Making of Irish New York, the myth of the poverty-stricken Irish immigrant being a drain on American society is dispelled all because of a treasure trove of bank records. The records of the Emigrant Savings Bank, housed at the NY Public Library, show that even day laborers were averaging $150 in their savings accounts -- equivalent to about $6000 today!  

    How can primary sources be used to disprove other stereotypes? 

    Why is this set of data significant to American history?

    What other primary sources can be combined with this bank data to get a clearer picture of the lives of Irish immigrants to America?

    How are the reactions to the 19th century mass emigration of Irish to America similar to events happening today? 

    Irish Americans Free to Use and Reuse

    Herald of the Times, and Rhode Islander, January 18, 1847 -- Famine! 

    No Irish Need Apply, 1862 

    What Irish Boys Can Do

    The Irish Republic Newspaper, 1867-68, Chicago

    Irish American Song

    Irish Colonists in New York, 1906

    Where the blame lies, 1891 (anti-immigration cartoon)

    Immigration Challenges for New Americans

    Adaptation and Assimilation

    Irish-Catholic Immigration to America

    Immigrant Laborers in the Early 20th century, audio recording.

    Irish Contributions to the American Culture

    The Immigrant Experience: Down the Rabbit Hole

    US Census Records

    Only a small portion of the Emigrant Savings Bank Records have been digitized, but they are fascinating! The bank records span from 1841 through 1923. 

    Immigration: The Irish, New York, PBS Media

    EPIC: The Irish Immigration Museum

    Irish-American Heritage Museum

    When America Despised the Irish: The 19th Century Refugee Crisis

      3 - 5   6 - 8   9 - 12   13+   Social Studies/History   museum   Irish


    • I love that there is new info on the site daily!
      Christi C.
      High School Teacher
    • I had a wonderful time working with the Library of Congress and learning about all of the resources at my fingertips!
      Kathleen S.
      High School Teacher
    • The TPS Teachers Network has an equal exchange of ideas. You know it's not a place where you're being judged.
      Kelly P.
      Preschool Teacher
    • My colleagues post incredibly fine resources and ideas....the caliber of the suggestions and resources make me feel that I take a lot from it. It's a takeaway. And I hope that I can give back as much as I get.
      Neme A.
      Elementary School Teacher
    • Going into this school year, I have a fantastic new resource for my own instruction and to share with my colleagues!
      Alyssa P.
      Elementary School Teacher
    • I am very glad that I discovered the TPS Teachers Network through RQI. Great resources can be hard to find out there on the internet!
      High School Teacher
