This album was created by a member of the TPS Teachers Network, a professional social media network for educators, funded by a grant from the Library of Congress. For more information, visit
Album Description
This idea for an album began with a single inauguration photo and a little bit of curiosity. The stereoscopic image includes the words "Entered according to act of Congress in the year of 1889 by E.W. Kilburn in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D.C."
I asked myself, "Who was inaugurated as United States President in 1889?" A quick search identified Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd President. What do our students know about Benjamin Harrison? Or about any president other than the big names, for that matter?
My idea is to start with an image of any inauguration and ask students to examine it for clues or to build some knowledge based on the bibliographic information. How else might they begin to accumulate information about the president who was inaugurated in the year of the photo?
I think this research is pretty simple and fact-based, but when a student knows nothing about a president, it's a start. By following individual research paths, they can also learn about the inauguration ceremonies of their presidents.
This album will focus on Benjamin Harrison, and anyone is welcome to add resources. I would also like to see more suggested teaching strategies for any inauguration and any president - especially less familiar ones.
What else will students find at once they have chosen a president?
3 - 5 6 - 8 9 - 12 Social Studies/History U.S. Presidents Inaugurations Presidential Elections
Teaching Notes
Closely study the stereographic photograph. What details do you see? Make a class list of details you have observed.
What do the words tell you? Can you learn the name of the president who was inaugurated in 1889?
Why do you think these people are gathered together on Inauguration Day?
What do you know about Inauguration Day?
Reference link:
Reference note
Created / Published
Digital Id
Teaching Notes
On July 4, 1890, the territory of Wyoming entered the Union as the forty-fourth state. Almost thirty years prior, in 1868, the Wyoming Territory was formed from parts of Nebraska, Dakota, Idaho, and Utah. The advent of railroad transportation allowed Wyoming to become a ranching hub. Livestock were raised and grazed on Wyoming prairies and, when the time came, shipped off to market via rail.
Also in 1890, Wyoming became the first U.S. state to extend suffrage to women, thirty years prior to the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment.
Rand McNally & Co. Wyoming. Chicago: Rand McNally & Co., 1891. Printed map. Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress (036.00.00)
Teaching Notes
The Library of Congress has a collection of the papers of Benjamin Harrison.
What are some examples from this collection that interest you? Why?
What can you learn from the Articles and Essays tab? What additional resources are available from the Articles and Essays page?
What can you find by entering inauguration as a search in this collection? Do they give you a better idea of what the 1899 inauguration was like?
Teaching Notes
In small groups, make a list of facts about Benjamin Harrison that you think are important. What do these facts tell you about him as a person and as a political leader? How would you describe his character? Do you think anyone would disagree with the opinions of Harrison that you read here?
Look through each of the categories on the lefthand menu. How do these categories add to your understanding?
Click on the Collections link at the top. What is your favorite piece from the collection? Why?
Click on the About Us link. What does that tell you about the organization behind this website and the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site?
Teaching Notes
Investigate this photo to look for clues about this president.
Dig deeper into this president's inauguration in the Inaugural Investigation Inquiry Starter Set.