4th of July greeting

    image from New York Heritage: https://nyheritage.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/chs/id/887/rec/34

    Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday!

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    And Happy Fourth of July to you, too, Heidi!  I love this whimsical greeting from New York especially the red Liberty Cap on the little girl.  Those were quite common as you know during the American Revolution and appeared here in Western Pennsylvania during the Whiskey Rebellion.  It also appeared during and after World War I especially in propaganda posters! 

    Thanks Ann! I just love how she warned him not to burn his fingers!! Some things never change...! 

    Oh-- I missed that!  Just looked at the front side of the postcard!  Looking at the reverse, I see the precautionary message and that it was address to Master George Hawkins.   Having seen that salutation in a long time!  Wonder how old George was?


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