Here are primary source images related to one (or more) of the amendments from the Bill of Rights.
Wonderful lesson idea Carrie Veatch and interesting primary sources! Something like this is also a perfect alternate assessment on the Bill of Rights knowledge (instead of a test). I’m going to test myself with it right now!
Carrie Veatch , when I taught in middle school, one eighth grade social studies teacher always did a Bill of Rights activity in which her students identified current events articles in newspapers (yes, print newspapers!) that matched each amendment. Not only did the students learn about the details and importance of the amendments, but they suddenly showed an increased interest in current events. The fascinating range of primary sources from history in this album should certainly spark the same kind of interest, but even better, an interest in history!
Please share to the Elementary Group! We love great lessons! Thank you for your hard work
I'll do that; thanks!
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