Money , Money ,Money!
Money is always a fun topic at any level. We all want it and need it. This would be a great introduction to use with students when starting a discussion on American currency. How is it made?
I would use these three primary sources to have them try to figure out what is being made and how it is being made. Using the QFT or Question Formula Technique found What is the QFT? - Right Question Institute have students observe the photographs to ask questions. Record all the questions they can provide! You will be amazed what questions they will think of.
You may want to use this site to 20 examples of the world's best currency design - 99designs to discuss what does other countries money look like and the why of their designs.
The US Mint Kids | U.S. Mint for Kids ( has a wealth of information too.
A look at money can prove to be a real gold mine of questions that could be explored at any level!