It is not easy to get teachers to change the “select a historical character, research them and write a research paper”. Not only is that an easy cut and paste assignment, it also is not very engaging for students. You can help by giving the students some choice in who they research and certainly by including the need for primary sources to support their findings, but there is a new twist. Hello, History, is a new app that uses AI to let students chat with historical characters.
I have included a like to a quick tutorial. I especially like that the app tells students they have to fact check the statements from the character, a covert means of inserting information literacy as well as research skills. As the tutorial points out the students also must keep the questions within the historical characters realm of experience, another check on the background they have acquired on their character.
I can see lots of possibilities here – how about you?
3 - 5 6 - 8 9 - 12 English/Language Arts Art/Music Library Social Studies/History Science
Excellent idea; the students will be putting themselves into this much more. I also remember working with 6th grade students back in the era before the web, The assignment was biograhical research on a famous Minnesotan. Once the teacher and I expanded the focus to include a currently famous Minnesotan of their choice it became so more engaging, but they were still learning information gathering skills. And (before we moved to a new school and media center) we had a check out desk that looked exactly the one in the library group photo at the top.