Mary Ellen Hawkins   recent discussion Compare and Contrast Activity using Dorothea Lange photographs reminds me of an activity I previously posted. This lesson is designed to support Close Reading skills; Letting students discover their own patterns, then asking students to describe, compare and defend what they found.

    Lesson context: Students are studying the Great Depression and the plight of migrant farm workers displaced by the Dust Bowl.

    Set up: Tell students that it's 1938 and they work for Life Magazine as photo editors.

    Task: A documentary photographer has brought in 4 photos and you have to decide which one to use to illustrate an article on the plight of the migrant workers. Find images here

    Delivery: Do not use any teacher-driven rubrics for judging photos. Remember the intent "what does it mean to me?" Depending on time and class logistics they can work as individuals / small groups. You could use voting. Then let students explain why they chose a particular image as "best."

    Follow up: Only after they have evaluated and discussed images 2-5, show image 1: Dorothea Lange's famous Migrant Mother and discuss what elements made that image iconic.

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    Here's another lesson using this set of photographs by Lange. In it, students analyze primary sources to consider the following essential question: What is documentary photography and what is the role of a documentary photographer in sharing stories and shaping public opinion?

    Learning from the Source: Zooming into Documentary Photography

      Photography    Documentary Photography  

    Good lesson with links to many resources.


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