This cartoon is loaded with content for students to explore the questions: Which of Uncle Sam's dreams came true? Find high resolution image here

    Cartoon shows Uncle Sam asleep in a chair with a large eagle perched on a stand next to him; he is dreaming of conquests and annexations, asserting his "Monroe Doctrine" rights, becoming master of the seas, putting John Bull [England] in his place, and building "formidable and invulnerable coast defenses.” His dreams are inspired by the jingoistic and yellow journalism newspapers at his feet.

    Sub heads clockwise from upper left:

    1. "Annexing all outlying countries.”
    2. “Sweeping his enemies from the seas.”
    3. “Licking John Bull out of his boots.”
    4. “Establishing formidable and invulnerable coast defences.”
    5. “Showing the whole world that he knows his rights and will maintain them at all hazards.”

    Title: Uncle Sam's dream of conquest and carnage - caused by reading the Jingo newspapers

    Contributor: Udo J Keppler 1872-1956, artist

    Created / Published: N.Y. : Published by Keppler & Schwarzmann, November 13, 1895.

    Library of Congress: LC-DIG-ppmsca-28959

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    Fantastic.  This can be connected to so many themes at the end of the year.

      Art/Music    Social Studies/History    3 - 5    6 - 8    9 - 12  

    I like when historical images have lots of details for students to focus on

    I love this   Peter Pappas  -- helping students learn and apply the visual grammar of the editorial cartoon. It would be so fun to group them to jigsaw meaning for each medallion/subhead....

    Agreed. A Jigsaw would work great here


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