Thank you for the new member add!

    I teach mathematics and always think it's important to be ready to discuss important life events.  Are there any ideas for an appropriate way to incorporate this into a math classroom? 

    Previously I would make it more of an SEL warm up activity.

    thanks so much!

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    It would depend on the ages of your students.  

    One thing I do is to compare the number of people in the buildings at the time of the attacks (17,400) to the population of our county (17,955).  This year, we will collect some small item to represent each person killed on 9/11 (2,977) and the number of American servicemen killed in Afghanistan (2,312).  I'm thinking pennies would be a good collection and then we could donate the money to Wounded Warriors or some other charity.  I would also chart the number of coalition troops from other countries killed and the estimated number of Afghan civilians and enemy fighters killed.  Finally, take a look at the cost of the war in Afghanistan (824.9 B) and compare it to other government spending.

    These are excellent suggestions for incorporating 9/11 into Math class but as you rightly point out, it all depends on the age of your students. 


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