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    What is the relationship between water, colonization, settlement, especially as it pertains to Indigenous and African Americans?

    treaty flag

    The question is explored intensely through  historical documents, works of art, prints, woodcuts  artifacts, mixed media and contemporary art in A Nation Takes Place, at the Minnesota Marine Art MuseumThe exhibit has  80 works from 20 institutions. including The Library of Congress and the Smithsonian.

    The theme is apparent as we enter and see moving paintings by Hudson era artist Edward Moran depicting colonizers arriving in the Americas. A large color painting on loan from the U.S Naval Academy is in the exhibit; The Library of Congress has a b&w image.

    [Sir Henry Hudson entering New York Bay, September 11, 1609, with Indian family watching on shore in foreground]

    Top Photo:  A contemporary twist on the American f lag sends a strong message. Gordon Coons, We Cannot Be Redacted, 2019.   (on loan from a private collection )
    What do you know about these treaties?   What and where is each place in the stripes?


    Treaty of Prairie du Chien 1825 View of the great treaty held at Prarie [sic] du Chien, September 1825 / painted on the spot by J.O. Lewis ; Lehman & Duval Lithrs.

    Treaties between the United States of America and the several Indian tribes, from 1778 to 1837.  Extensive PDF    

    New York slave market

    Black Star Broadside information. On  loan from National Museum of African American History and Culture recruiting black men to work on a ship.

    New York Slave Market About 1730  Photoengraving on loan from th NY Public Library

    Many exhibit items are disturbing in the depiction of slavery, master/slave relationships. A  depiction of a near nude indigenous American painting a captured white man is both amusing and satirical.  Clothespins arranged atop each other depict the closeness of life on a life vessel.  Abstract videos lead to deep thinking.

    A Nation Takes Place is at the Minnesota Marine Art Museum in Winona through March 2, 2025

      6 - 8    9 - 12    13+    English/Language Arts    Social Studies/History    Art/Music    Native Americans    African Americans   Slavery Difficult topics

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    Very powerful theme and primary source image.  The question is one that would make a good research project for students.  Thanks for the post   Mary Alice Anderson  


    You are speedy!  I  added more after you commented.  It's quite the exhibit.  I've been through it twice and need to go back to study more.  It's rather intense.     When I first heard about this exhibit I mis-heard the title as A Nation Takes Shape.   A Nation Takes Place sends quite a different message.


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