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    FILM of 1906 Quake found at flea market.

      The article is  in today's Minneapolis Star Tribune  and I expect many other papers as well.

    The film is 9 minutes long  and described as a bookend to the "A Trip Down Market Street Before the Fire" film made in 1906.

    The film is being digitalized and prepared for a film festival.

    Coincidentally, I am currently using the earthquake films in a a teaching activity (for teachers).   Students are asked to look closely at the bibliographic information after they view the films to learn more about the films and the films of reading about a resource.  

    The films are from the LOC collection  Before and After the Great Earthquake and Fire: Early Films of San Francisco, 1897-1916.

    The analysis also leads to a discussion about fake news and digital literacy.   I attribute the idea to a LOC PD group several years ago. (Thanks)

    Art/Music Social Studies/History 6 - 8 9 - 12 San Francisco Earthquake Digital Literacy

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    That will make a fascinating addition to the visual resources available from this time!


    • I love that there is new info on the site daily!
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    • I had a wonderful time working with the Library of Congress and learning about all of the resources at my fingertips!
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    • The TPS Teachers Network has an equal exchange of ideas. You know it's not a place where you're being judged.
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