This is a space for all participants in the Oct-Nov 2022 run of our online course, "Teaching Students to Ask Their Own Primary Source Questions," (those in the NCHE LEAD program) to share the lesson plans that they developed over the course of 4 weeks. Enjoy reading the creative work that these educators have done!  qft    inquiry    curiosity  

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    Hi Heidi, I like the sources that you chose. I go over the caste system in my AP World class so you have given me some good ideas for how to get the discussion going. Thanks!


    In addition to teaching 6th grade World History, I am also teaching 7th grade U.S. History this year so I will plan to use your QFT resources when I cover women's suffrage.  I feel both of the photographs you chose as QFoci are interest-grabbing and thought-provoking. I also like how you tweaked the standard process and are asking students to generate questions individually and on paper prior to having them generate questions as a small or whole group. You seem to be using your images as sort of hooks at the beginning of a lesson that ultimately ends with an activity such as a DBQ. I think almost any QFocus is a perfect hook activity although they can be the main event as well. It just struck me how your lesson could also be a great activity to do when we address Women's History Month which I believe is in March. 

    This is a great political cartoon that was used in your lesson, Celeste. I really think it will get some great QFT results for Women's Suffrage which is, unfortunately, mostly glossed over in my subject area of 7th Grade U.S. History. Nice work! Great lesson!


    • I love that there is new info on the site daily!
      Christi C.
      High School Teacher
    • I had a wonderful time working with the Library of Congress and learning about all of the resources at my fingertips!
      Kathleen S.
      High School Teacher
    • The TPS Teachers Network has an equal exchange of ideas. You know it's not a place where you're being judged.
      Kelly P.
      Preschool Teacher
    • My colleagues post incredibly fine resources and ideas....the caliber of the suggestions and resources make me feel that I take a lot from it. It's a takeaway. And I hope that I can give back as much as I get.
      Neme A.
      Elementary School Teacher
    • Going into this school year, I have a fantastic new resource for my own instruction and to share with my colleagues!
      Alyssa P.
      Elementary School Teacher
    • I am very glad that I discovered the TPS Teachers Network through RQI. Great resources can be hard to find out there on the internet!
      High School Teacher
