I was struck by the notice (below) about a Maine teacher who builds a class around fly-fishing. What primary sources, local and national, would you share with his students?
cheryl hughes Laura Israelsen Michelle Pearson Keith Patterson - I am hoping you will share some of the past and present work you've done for the TPS Western Region grant in Montana with John Maclean, author of Home Waters: A Chronicle of Family and a River, as well as the related work you've done with Native tribes in that area of Montana. (John Maclean is the son of Norman Maclean, author of A River Runs Through It, which is mentioned as one of the texts used by the Maine teacher of the fly-fishing class in your post, Alison Noyes .)
We were so lucky to study Home Waters with author John Maclean! The students, teacheres and agencies in Montana who participated created some incredible resources and projects with their students. Here is a link to a one pager of resourcesHomewaters Resource List