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    The Maine Department of Education & National Council for History Education are excited to announce a series of professional learning opportunities made possible by a grant from the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources program specifically designed for rural Maine PK-12 teachers to acquire strategies for designing and implementing a community civics and inquiry-based project.

    Details are included below: 

    Part A: Teaching with Primary Sources Online Course (December 2, 2024 - March 31, 2025) - Free, asynchronous, online Teaching with Primary Sources Course to acquire new strategies for analyzing primary sources, incorporating inquiry into your instruction, and accessing primary sources from the Library of Congress and more.

    Part B: Saturday Colloquia (March 8, 2025, April 12, 2025, May 17, 2025 from 9am - 2:30pm) - Free, synchronous, online professional learning workshops led by expert historians, education specialists, and spotlight educators related to this year's theme:  Geography of the Place We Now Call Maine.

    Part C: Onsite Colloquium (Summer of 2025) - Free, onsite (TBD) professional learning opportunity in the summer of 2025.  Sessions will focus on developing a community civics & place-based inquiry project with students.  15 teachers will be selected and receive up to $750 for project funding.

    A flyer is attached with additional information.  Sign up today to reserve your spot in 1 or all 3 parts.   Stipends available for participation.

    Art/Music    English/Language Arts    Mathematics    Science    Social Studies/History     rural    Maine  

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    Try this link to access the flyer above:  

    Link to Celebrating Rural Maine Professional Learning Flyer


    • I love that there is new info on the site daily!
      Christi C.
      High School Teacher
    • I had a wonderful time working with the Library of Congress and learning about all of the resources at my fingertips!
      Kathleen S.
      High School Teacher
    • The TPS Teachers Network has an equal exchange of ideas. You know it's not a place where you're being judged.
      Kelly P.
      Preschool Teacher
    • My colleagues post incredibly fine resources and ideas....the caliber of the suggestions and resources make me feel that I take a lot from it. It's a takeaway. And I hope that I can give back as much as I get.
      Neme A.
      Elementary School Teacher
    • Going into this school year, I have a fantastic new resource for my own instruction and to share with my colleagues!
      Alyssa P.
      Elementary School Teacher
    • I am very glad that I discovered the TPS Teachers Network through RQI. Great resources can be hard to find out there on the internet!
      High School Teacher
