In order to enroll in the NEA TPS micro-credentials, you must create an NEA member account if you don't have one already. 
    After you have an NEA member account, you will need to enter your NEA number, if you are a member of the National Education Association (or an NEA state affiliate), or contact me and I will provide you with a voucher code. 

    Citizen U is excited to announce that there are now 8 TPS micro-credentials available thanks to our collaboration with the National Education Association, TPS Consortium partners, and master teachers. 

    Did you know that the TPS micro-credentials are asynchronous, meaning educators can complete them on their own time? Each micro-credential has teachers create or revise an activity/lesson and then either implement it with students or have their peers review it.

    In addition to assembling digital portfolios and earning digital badges, educators typically can also receive local/state certification of professional development credit towards license renewal and graduate credit may be possible for a supplemental fee.

    TPS micro-credentials are free for NEA members in every state and Citizen U has a number vouchers valued at $75 each for non-members (apply with a valid school email).

    The new modules:

    Primary Sources & Technology for Formative Assessment

    Competency: Educator connects primary sources with technology for formative assessment to meet instructional goals and increase student engagement with course content.

    Key Method: Educator creates or revises a lesson that uses technology for formative assessments of primary sources.

    View PDF | Access the Micro-credential

    Connecting Primary Sources with Historic Places

    Competency: Educator connects primary sources with an historic place to meet instructional goals and increase student engagement with course content.

    Key Method: Educator creates or revises a lesson that connects primary sources with a historic place to teach about an event, person, or landscape.

    View PDF | Access the Micro-credential


    Pairing Primary Sources with Historical Picture Books

    Competency: Educator uses an inquiry approach to learning that utilizes primary sources and an historical picture book.

    Key Method: Educator develops and analyzes an inquiry-based lesson that pairs an historical picture book with a curated set of related primary sources.

    View PDF | Access the Micro-credential

    The Question Formulation Technique & Primary Sources

    Competency: Educator uses the Question Formulation Technique (QFT) to engage learners in content by generating and analyzing questions about a primary source.

    Key Method: Educator creates  or revises a lesson using the QFT with a primary source, directly connecting students’ questions to the next steps of their learning.

    View PDF | Access the Micro-credential

    Additional modules:

    Inquiry with Primary Sources*

    Competency: Educator uses inquiry to engage learners in analysis of primary sources to promote student empathy, foster understanding of multiple perspectives, deepen content knowledge, and enhance critical thinking skills.

    Key Method: Educator curates relevant and appropriate primary source sets to develop and analyze an inquiry-based primary source learning activity.

    View PDF | Access the Micro-credential

    Culturally Relevant Pedagogy with Primary Sources

    Competency: Educator uses primary sources and inquiry strategies to craft culturally relevant instruction.

    Key Method: Educator develops and analyzes a lesson that incorporates the three tenets of culturally relevant pedagogy with primary sources

    View PDF | Access the Micro-credential

    Multidisciplinary Civics with Primary Sources

    Competency: Educator uses inquiry learning with primary sources to enhance students’ civics knowledge, skills, and dispositions across one or more disciplines.

    Key Method: Educator develops and analyzes a multidisciplinary civics lesson using inquiry and primary sources.

    View PDF | Access the Micro-credential

    Universal Design for Learning with Primary Sources

    Competency: Educator uses UDL with primary sources to provide multiple means of engagement, representation of information, and opportunities for action and expression to increase universal accessibility of course content and skills.

    Key Method: Educator customizes and augments a primary source learning activity by employing UDL principles to increase universal accessibility.

    View PDF | Access the Micro-credential

    * Educators with no foundational training in teaching inquiry with primary sources from the Library of Congress may find it helpful to begin with the Inquiry with Primary Sources micro-credential before proceeding to subsequent ones.

      NEA    TPS    Micro-credentials    Professional Development    Professional Learning  

    If you'd like to show off your knowledge or learn more about inquiry, multidisciplinary civics, culturally relevant pedagogy, or universal design for learning with primary sources, we've got just the thing--TPS Micro-credentials!

    These micro-credentials were developed through a partnership with the National Education Association (NEA) and in collaboration with TPS Consortium partners, thanks to a Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources TPS program grant. Not only will you earn the badge, we'll also send you certification of 15 hours of professional development credit. 

    They're free to take if you are an NEA member. But if you're not, Citizen U now has a number of coupon codes available so that non-members can take them for free too! If you're interested, send an email to Julie Schaul

    Inquiry with Primary Sources
    Educator uses inquiry to engage learners in analysis of primary sources to promote student empathy, foster understanding of multiple perspectives, deepen content knowledge, and enhance critical thinking skills.
    Types of Evidence Required: mini-lesson outline, primary source set review, activity plan, activity evidence and analysis

    View PDF | Access the Micro-credential

    Multidisciplinary Civics with Primary Sources
    Educator uses inquiry learning with primary sources to enhance students’ civics knowledge, skills, and dispositions across one or more disciplines.
    Types of Evidence Required: lesson planning document, lesson plan, lesson evidence and analysis

    View PDF | Access the Micro-credential

    Culturally Relevant Pedagogy with Primary Sources
    Educator uses primary sources and inquiry strategies to craft culturally relevant instruction.
    Types of Evidence Required: beliefs charts, lesson review and lesson plan, lesson evidence and analysis

    View PDF | Access the Micro-credential

    Universal Design for Learning with Primary Sources
    Educator uses Universal Design for Learning (UDL) with primary sources to provide multiple means of engagement, representation of information, and opportunities for action and expression to increase universal accessibility of course content and skills.
    Types of Evidence Required: strategy organizer, activity review and plan, activity evidence and analysis

    View PDF | Access the Micro-credential

      Micro-credentials    Inquiry    Civics    Culturally Relevant Pedagogy    Universal Design for Learning  

    Citizen U is excited to announce the official launch of the TPS Micro-credential Library, an extension of the National Education Association Micro-credential Library

    The first four micro-credentials, developed in collaboration with NEA educators and TPS Consortium members Emerging AmericaCollaborative for Educational Services and Inquiry in the Upper MidwestMinnesota Historical Society will be available shortly (see below). Descriptions of each are available on the Citizen U website.

    • Inquiry with Primary Sources
    • Culturally Relevant Pedagogy with Primary Sources
    • Multidisciplinary Civics with Primary Sources
    • Universal Design for Learning with Primary Sources

    The TPS micro-credentials are free for NEA members and $75 for non-members. School districts interested in enrolling a large group of educators consisting of some or all non-NEA members should contact Citizen U.

    While the micro-credentials are asynchronous, we have created this group as a support resource for educators. Please feel free to ask questions and share resources and learnings

      Pre K - 2    3 - 5    6 - 8    9 - 12    TPS MC  

    Results per Page


    • I love that there is new info on the site daily!
      Christi C.
      High School Teacher
    • I had a wonderful time working with the Library of Congress and learning about all of the resources at my fingertips!
      Kathleen S.
      High School Teacher
    • The TPS Teachers Network has an equal exchange of ideas. You know it's not a place where you're being judged.
      Kelly P.
      Preschool Teacher
    • My colleagues post incredibly fine resources and ideas....the caliber of the suggestions and resources make me feel that I take a lot from it. It's a takeaway. And I hope that I can give back as much as I get.
      Neme A.
      Elementary School Teacher
    • Going into this school year, I have a fantastic new resource for my own instruction and to share with my colleagues!
      Alyssa P.
      Elementary School Teacher
    • I am very glad that I discovered the TPS Teachers Network through RQI. Great resources can be hard to find out there on the internet!
      High School Teacher
