If you'd like to show off your knowledge or learn more about inquiry, multidisciplinary civics, culturally relevant pedagogy, or universal design for learning with primary sources, we've got just the thing--TPS Micro-credentials!
These micro-credentials were developed through a partnership with the National Education Association (NEA) and in collaboration with TPS Consortium partners, thanks to a Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources TPS program grant. Not only will you earn the badge, we'll also send you certification of 15 hours of professional development credit.
They're free to take if you are an NEA member. But if you're not, Citizen U now has a number of coupon codes available so that non-members can take them for free too! If you're interested, send an email to Julie Schaul.
Inquiry with Primary Sources
Educator uses inquiry to engage learners in analysis of primary sources to promote student empathy, foster understanding of multiple perspectives, deepen content knowledge, and enhance critical thinking skills.
Types of Evidence Required: mini-lesson outline, primary source set review, activity plan, activity evidence and analysis
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Multidisciplinary Civics with Primary Sources
Educator uses inquiry learning with primary sources to enhance students’ civics knowledge, skills, and dispositions across one or more disciplines.
Types of Evidence Required: lesson planning document, lesson plan, lesson evidence and analysis
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Culturally Relevant Pedagogy with Primary Sources
Educator uses primary sources and inquiry strategies to craft culturally relevant instruction.
Types of Evidence Required: beliefs charts, lesson review and lesson plan, lesson evidence and analysis
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Universal Design for Learning with Primary Sources
Educator uses Universal Design for Learning (UDL) with primary sources to provide multiple means of engagement, representation of information, and opportunities for action and expression to increase universal accessibility of course content and skills.
Types of Evidence Required: strategy organizer, activity review and plan, activity evidence and analysis
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Micro-credentials Inquiry Civics Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Universal Design for Learning