I posted a link in TPS Commons yesterday encouraging teachers to think about teaching primary sources by helping students to create primary sources by journaling about their experiences living through this pandemic.
PBS has put a wonderful structure around this and designed a unit to do just that! You will find a link to the unit, as well as support for teaching it.
3 - 5 6 - 8 9 - 12 13+ English/Language Arts Library Science Social Studies/History bestof
Mrs Reader Pants has a great Power Point about Creating Your Own Primary Source. It is currently being offered for free. https://www.readerpants.net/product/google-classroom-activity-living-history
Online teachers could use this delightful 4-minute YouTube video to introduce students to the differences between a normal journal and a Historian's Journal. It was recently recommended on Twitter by Stefanie Wager , who works with a TPS Consortium project to develop primary source sets and toolkits in Iowa, as well as to conduct related PD.
Wonderful way to focus students on being historians. I put my first 7 days of being sequestered in this album: https://tpsteachersnetwork.org/teaching-online-with-primary-sources/on-the-home-front-a-daily-dose-of-primary-sources I think having students using photography to create their primary sources will help them gather some reflections on their daily activities which will be of interest to future students who will study this unprecedented time.
I have my 4th and 5th graders keeping a One-Sentence journal about their experiences. (They can write more.) Tonight I found this wonderful article online 'Write it Down': Historian Suggests Keeping a record of Life During Pandemic https://news.virginia.edu/content/write-it-down-historian-suggests-keeping-record-life-during-pandemic?utm_source=DailyReport&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=news&fbclid=IwAR2pA0yEizz0NvTRrxplJWkU9BAGWTDNqkralIsZo2wUsscF_Dc0CtJDc8A
This resource may have already been shared but it is very timely and applicable to student journaling: Student Journal Assignments During COVID-19.
In this journaling activity, students chronicle the changes they observe as their community, country, and the world respond to Covid19. The document includes a variety of modifications for elementary, Spanish language, students with special needs, and even a version focusing on primary source/artifact analysis and a version including social-emotional reflection questions.