Might I suggest that you look at these questions that are part of the Project Look Sharp strategies for teaching media literacy to your students. There will be a file posted in the next day or two that would allow for these questions to be printed as a poster to be displayed in the classroom.
There are also questions on this topic for early childhood learners.
https://projectlooksharp.org/Resources%202/KeyQsecehandout.pdf Pre K - 2 3 - 5 6 - 8 9 - 12 Art/Music English/Language Arts Library Social Studies/History Science questioning media literacy
Susan Allen These are great questions. I knew a kindergarten teacher that used questions when she handed out papers. They would talk about the designs and pictures (with questions), before they did the work on the assignment. Her kids developed great critical thinking.
Great timing with this post! Media Literacy Week kicks off on October 24: https://medialiteracyweek.us/. These are good skills to have and practice all year too!
Yes it does. The Project Look Sharp webpage has over 500 free lessons using these questions and often using primary sources that cover a huge range of topics and all grade levels. It is a wonderful resource for any time but especially Media Literacy Week.