I recently saw this article and thought that it was interesting and could be a great way for students to interact with primary sources online. I was wondering if others have tried any of these programs in their teaching and how it has gone? If you haven't tried these methods, what do you think?
Soline Holmes , I believe I've seen a number of posts in the TPS Teachers Network about using annotation tools with primary sources. I know Kile Clabaugh has written about the Hypothes.is annotation tool, for example, and I think you would find other posts through a search in the Network on annotation.
There is a really cool tool that was developed a few years ago that we have used here at NCTE: https://labs.loc.gov/work/experiments/annotation/. There are some great descriptions of the work there. If you are interested, I can also share resources from the work we did with this tool and around annotation.