When I started looking for political cartoons re: the primary election in New Hampshire, I found that many of the images had the dreaded note: Not available online. Access to this resource is only available at the Library of Congress. However, much of the time there is a simple work-around. For example: http://www.loc.gov/item/acd1996005865/PP/ I did a Google IMAGE search for "of primary interest fred little packer loc.gov" (which was just the title of the image, the creator, and the loc.gov extension). Google's image search results included a nice 517 x 640 size which originates from loc.gov and was a good size for me to work with in classroom lessons and in this album. I found that images of this size (originating from loc.gov) came up in the Google image search 75% of the time for me. Keep this in mind for when you find those pesky images that are "not available online" in the bibliography.