Yesterday I wrote a post for you called Album Tips to Move from Beginner to Expert. Today I'd like to add a little editing tip to make your albums even better.
Did you know that you don't have to be stuck with the sometimes long, convoluted titles that the album tool imports automatically from many Library of Congress sources? You can edit your item titles to make them friendlier, clearer, and more likely to get a click from an interested colleague.
Complicated, code-filled titles often import along with articles from Chronicling America, but they can also come in when we upload other types of primary sources in the Library's collections. Here's a recent example from another group to show what I mean: service-pnp-npcc-20000-20071r.jpeg. It doesn't really mean anything, so as a user, I'm less likely to open it. I'd be much more inclined to open it if it were edited to read Snow Gauge (1947), wouldn't you?
This brings me to my little tip. You can edit titles in your albums by going to any single item and clicking on the red and white gear icon above it. Choose Edit [Title of Item], edit it, and save. It's that easy.
Editing titles is entirely up to you, and there's absolutely no harm in leaving them alone. Your call!